Atlantic Canada

If you have earned the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS), Compensation Management Specialist (CMS), Group Benefits Associate (GBA), Retirement Plans Associate (RPA) designations, or are an active CEBS student, take advantage of the services available to you as a member of ISCEBS and the Atlantic Canada Chapter ISCEBS. Click here to renew your membership or to join as a member.

It is our goal to assist in the education of our membership, as well as provide networking opportunities for those in the industry. The Atlantic Canada Chapter works with talented members of the industry to provide relevant seminars to keep our membership abreast of upcoming issues.

Chapter dues are $50 USD annually.

Board of Directors

  • Bradley C. Churchill, CEBS


    Sr. Group Retirement Consultant

  • Lisa A. Whynott, CEBS


    Human Resources Business Partner, Eastward Energy Incorporated

  • Lisa A. Whynott, CEBS


    Human Resources Business Partner, Eastward Energy Incorporated