ISCEBS Chapter Webcast - June 11

June 11, 2024 12:00 PM-1:15 PM

Chapter Event

Use Cases for AI Within Employee Benefits
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
12:00 noon ET

This session will cover the potential applications of AI for HR and Benefit leaders. Participants will learn how AI can streamline processes like talent acquisition, retention, learning and development along with the potential to simplify benefits navigation to improve the employee experience. We will also discuss using AI for data analytics to improve prediction and to support scenario planning. We will discuss various concerns and challenges associated with AI adoption. This includes concerns about fairness, discrimination, and transparency in AI-driven processes along with privacy concerns, reservations about AI's rapid advancement, and the fear of AI becoming too intelligent.


  • What is AI and how are companies deploying it for innovation and to enhance the employee experience?
  • What are the potential risks and opportunities of AI within the workplace?
  • How can you prepare your HR organization for AI transformation?


Perlmutter, Michael

Michael Perlmutter

SVP, Insights and Innovation





