Canada Webcast

A Preview to Financial Planning for a Healthy Retirement

August 31, 2023 3:00 PM-3:30 PM

Free to International Foundation and ISCEBS members

Plan members no longer need to settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to retiring. Roland Chiwetelu, financial wellness consultant at Eckler Ltd. and Kyra Jones, chief design officer with Adapt with Intent Consulting will provide a preview of the two-part “Health, Wealth and Happiness” preconference workshop being offered at the 56th Annual Canadian Employee Benefits Conference.

This workshop is designed to help plan members:

• Shift your mindset from planning for retirement to designing a longevity lifestyle to meet your unique needs.

• Learn about the aging process as well as what you can do now to better prepare your mind and body for the future you.

• Learn how to convert savings into retirement income.



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